Our Investigation Services -
War-Bharat Investigation/Detective department accredited by Association of Investigator's & Detectives-AID (Membership No. AID0168/2023-24), is professional managed organization in the area of investigation, and we are well established in the field, providing adequate service that may me termed to the best or safest and with 100% satisfaction. An all-around prepared and experienced group of detectives.
Our Vision :
WAR-BHARAT detectives/Investigator have a single focus to provide quality investigation, in a timely manner and to equip the client with the information needed to move ahead and make well informed decision
Our Mission :
WAR-BHARAT detectives/Investigator strives each day in creating an atmosphere of respect, maintaining the highest ethical and moral standards, being faithful stewards of all that is entrusted to us, assisting our clients in achieving their desired outcomes, and having a positive influence on all of whom come in contact with our Organization.
Our Focus :
a. Personals Investigation
b. Corporate Investigation